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Isle of Bondage Page 4

  “My name is Miriam, Master,” she said, “and I will be your body-slave while you stay in the hotel, at least until your own slave is trained to serve you...”

  She stood there, shameless in her nakedness, presenting her body to me to use in any way I desired. I was aware of Phil, curled up naked in the cellars below me, but I also knew she had told me that since she was now only my slave and not my wife, I must use other females as and when I desired, even in front of her, since that would underline to her, her new status as nothing more than a slave.

  I had protested that I wanted no-one but her in my bed but she had shushed me with her finger against my lips in that lovely little quirky way she had, and told me that if I kept myself for her alone, she would cease to think of herself as a slave, get above her station and so earn punishment and she didn’t want that at all.

  I know the argument sounds specious as I write it down, but it’s what she said and I know she was trying to persuade me that for us to play this slavery thing out to its fullest, I should play around when the opportunity presented itself.

  “And how does a body-slave serve her Master, Miriam?” I asked, although I think I had already guessed.

  “Why in any way my Master wishes, Master. Perhaps my Master would like a shower before dressing for dinner?” She smiled impishly at me and moved up to undress me. I let her. I felt helpless in her small hands but she was an expert. For all her youth, I guessed she might have been in her late teens, she had my clothes off in a trice, each neatly folded and placed on my bed and then she was leading me into the bathroom where she now proceeded to give me the best bath of my life.

  Back home I had a valet but he had never undressed me and always retired discreetly when I got down to my undergarments. She stripped me right down and made eyes at my body as it was slowly revealed to her. Both Phil and I were keen sportsman and woman and I was careful what I ate and drank. Our bodies were therefore still quite athletic, a fact of which I was very glad as Miriam praised it.

  Her bathing me went far past a mere washing of my skin under the tingling spray. It included a massage that sought out every tired spot in my muscles as well as exciting the erogenous zones which she seemed to know all about, as well.

  Then she was on her knees in front of me, her mouth around my iron-hard prick and working it as it had never been before. She didn’t bring me to orgasm however, winking at me and indicating that would come later, as she slowly climbed to her feet, turned off the water and rubbed me dry, only incidentally doing the same to her own body.

  She then led me back into my dressing room where she had laid out my dinner clothes. It seemed they dressed formally here, at least on special occasions and tonight was to be a ‘state dinner’ in my honour.

  I left Miriam putting away my clothes and cleaning up the bathroom and made my way downstairs, to find all the owners then in residence assembled in the reception room where we were waited on by naked male slaves, each young, handsome and with near-perfect bodies serving the drinks while just as naked girl-slaves carried around trays of canapés. After a couple of drinks we moved in to the dining room where the males continued as drink waiters and their female counterparts served the four courses of the welcoming banquet.

  I smiled to myself as I thought of Phil down below us in the dark, curled up on the stone floor of her cell no doubt and wondering what I was doing...

  Chapter 3

  The dinner was wonderful.

  In my position, I have experienced many fine dinners, both in top restaurants as well as in some of the great houses of the nation. That dinner was as good as any of them, but while I certainly appreciated the food (and the lack of long-winded speeches, Lord Grey merely rising to toast me and to say how pleased they were to welcome me to the island), mostly my thoughts were on the bevy of naked girl and boy slaves who attended us.

  And yes, I include the male slaves in that. I had never had a gay thought in my life to that point, but as I was presented with the sight of so many stark naked, handsome and beautifully built young males who craved to be slaves, my mind wandered on to the possibility of sex with them. I caught myself angrily but Anthony, sitting at the head of the table beside me, guessed what I was thinking, I suppose my eyes devouring those boys gave it away, and he put his hand over mine.

  “Don’t let it worry you, James. There were very few of us who believed we had a homosexual bone in our body when we came here, but most of us indulge with these males nowadays. At least sometimes. If you do decide to try it out, you will find it makes an interesting alternative...”

  I blushed but I realised he was only telling me how it was, and I just nodded and mumbled something about seeing how things were later on.

  He smiled again then asked me what I thought of Miriam. “She’s one of mine and I have loaned her to you for the immediate future. Later on perhaps, you might consider buying her...”

  “Oh, could I?” I began but then realised I was being too eager.

  He didn’t mind however. It seemed all new owners were like this at the beginning. “Of course you may. She is actually my wife’s maid but since Penelope was unable to come out this time due to some pressing charity bash she is chairlady of, I decided she would be of most use as your temporary body slave. Try her out, if you haven’t already that is, for all her youth, she knows more about sex than any slavegirl, or woman for that matter, that I’ve ever met.”

  I blushed again, remembering her undressing me and our little encounter in my shower. “She has started, Anthony, but she didn’t allow me to go all the way...”

  “Quite right, my boy,” he said, grinning broadly. “But watch her. She’s insatiable. If you aren’t careful, she’ll have you as exhausted as your wife down in the cellars. Incidentally, don’t worry about her. We have a very sophisticated monitoring system installed here. It is infra-red so that it picks up her movements, even in the total darkness down there and its microphones are very sensitive indeed. It is an automatic system whose programming ensures that if she behaves in any way abnormally, it will trigger an alarm to Bill Blake, here.”

  Unlike some state dinners I have attended, this one didn’t go on interminably. It was a fine meal, waited on by beautiful/handsome naked waiters whose training was impeccable, and the conversation was lively and interesting but when it was over, Anthony bid me good night, as did the other owners, all of whom we now saw off in their little gigs, each drawn by one or a pair of naked slaves.

  Some owners preferred females, in which case there was usually a pair of them but some others had a single sturdy male. Each of these gigs could be used at night for they had little magnetos attached to the two wheels that charged batteries fixed under the axles and these in turn fed two small headlamps fixed on top of the wheel-guards that provided enough light for the slaves to see where they were going.

  But then it was time to go back upstairs, something I had been awaiting with keen anticipation ever since leaving Miriam before the dinner.

  There she was, waiting for me, kneeling on the carpeted floor just inside my suite, eyes cast down and hands properly clasped up behind her head, the perfect slave, I thought, and wondered, albeit fleetingly, how long it would take to turn Phil into such a paragon of slave humility and efficiency.

  At my entry, she rose and taking my hand, led me into my rooms. “Does Master desire a nightcap or is he ready for bed?” she asked demurely.

  “He is quite ready for bed,” I said, waiting to see what she would do then.

  She undressed me. As efficiently as the first time, putting each item of my clothing away as she removed it from my body until I was again naked. I didn’t touch her as she performed this service for me. By now, although I was as hard as an iron bar and as randy as all hell, I forced myself to wait. Apart from Anthony’s advice that she was an adept at sex, I sensed it anyway. What awaited me this night was going to b
e about as good as it could get and in saying that I am not being disloyal to Phil. In the weeks and months to come, Miriam was going to take her in hand and teach her everything she knew.

  I think here I should observe what a pity it is that we in the West have been trammelled for so long by archaic ideas about sex. Most of us have been brought up to think it vaguely dirty; something to be talked about only in whispers and with covert glances about us and very few of us indeed are ever taught anything about it other than ‘safe practices’ and the biological processes involved.

  But sex, as I learned there, is a wondrous part of man’s (and woman’s) makeup. Used skilfully, it can engender the most breathtaking pleasure in both sexes and that pleasure can be drawn out for hours and hours if the participants are taught and trained in them.

  I don’t know where Miriam learned the art, or rather, I didn’t know then. Now that I understand her background, I know she learned them from her mother who was a temple priestess in a remote part of Nigeria. She wasn’t Moslem or Christian, of course. She told me the name of the religion but its name is long and hard to pronounce and I can’t remember it. Suffice to say, exotic rites formed part of the priestess’ function and after she had retired, married and bore Miriam, when the girl was old enough, she had been taught everything her mother knew.

  And that was plenty.

  Right now, naked as she was, she led me to my bed and laid me down on its satin fitted sheet, since she had already removed the upper bedding.

  Once I was lying there, staring up at her as she stood quietly beside the bed, admiring her small but beautifully built and gleaming, chocolate-brown body, she waited a moment or two, her smallish but perfect breasts trembling slightly, her belly muscles moving just a trace and the fine muscles in her shapely thighs also quivering, no doubt readying themselves for what she was about to do.

  Her vagina though, had me transfixed. While the rest of her body was moving in tiny motions as I have described, her sexual organ was performing incredible feats that I wouldn’t have believed possible if I hadn’t seen them for myself. Her mother had actually trained her to recognise each muscle in her vaginal area and then to use them in the act of sex and what went before it.

  What she was doing now was to make her outer lips pulse open and close in fantastic patterns that allowed me to actually see inside the outer portals and to see that she was also moving her inner lips ... how, I have no idea and neither does Dr Swindon for I asked him the very next day.

  He grinned and agreed that while what she was able to do was perfectly incredible, he said his knowledge of anatomy told him it was impossible. He had even examined her as she performed her wondrous tricks but was none the wiser, apparently.

  She then added to the fantasy by raising her hands up above her head and started twisting her middle body sinuously. It wasn’t exactly like a Balinese or Thai dancer, it had their grace but was more athletic rather than artistic, showing off her litheness and the beautiful muscles that were just apparent under her gleaming skin. She was no muscle freak, this paragon of black beauty. She was far too slender for that but her body was everything I could wish for in feminine beauty.

  Here I am not being disloyal to Phillida. She too is slender and has a similar build although she is considerably taller than Miriam. I thought if the girl could teach her to perform as she now was, it would be a wondrous display indeed.

  And then it happened.

  I suppose she entertained me with her wonderful display for around ten minutes, but then, in the flash of an eye she was on top of me. All I saw was a flash of light or black, if you like. She was lightning fast and her powerful thigh muscles, although giving no hint of what she was about to do, apart from the quivering that had been part of her display up to that point, simply propelled her up over the side of the bed to land athwart me, her quim deftly scooping my still iron-hard and quivering cock into its hot wet embrace the moment she landed, almost as a part of the act.

  As soon as I recovered from the shock, which was a big one, I could do nothing but stare up at her as she began to work my cock with the internal muscles of her vagina. She didn’t move much, at least her body didn’t. Her inner parts, those that were surrounding my weapon however, were performing absolutely incredible things to it.

  It was as if she was rippling a series of ring-like muscles up and down the shaft and tickling its corona with a vibrator. As I said, our doctor had no idea how she performed these motions. “The female anatomy just doesn’t possess muscles that can perform them, James,” he said, but I could see he was uncertain and I guessed he would love to dissect a female body to see what they had that Western medicine was so ignorant of. I didn’t say so, of course; that would have offended his dignity as a physician and surgeon and he was certainly a very good one otherwise.

  But she didn’t stop there.

  As she had excited me visually while standing beside the bed, now she began that display all over again, but now much closer to me - within reach and as she swayed her lovely body back and forth and sideways, twisting it like a snake swaying to the music of a woodwind, I now reached out to touch her quivering breasts and writhing belly.

  She smiled down at me and as my hand neared her sleek flesh she swayed it closer, reaching right forward to allow me better access to her flesh.

  Oh God, it was incredible. Despite all her frenetic activity, her skin was cool and smooth as silk, its muscles rippling most erotically under my fingertips while my cock was being excited as it never had been before.

  So now I was being assailed on three fronts: my member was being gently excited by her internal muscles; her so soft skin was making my fingertips tingle in lust while her whole body, moving so sinuously, was an aphrodisiac far stronger than any I could have imagined.

  I lay there in a daze of wonder. The thrill was stupendous but she was careful to ensure I didn’t pass beyond the point of no return. How she knew what that was, I still don’t know. Phil does. She is nowadays as good at it all as Miriam but it’s a secret they’re not about to reveal to a mere male, even if he is their Master, for yes, I acquired Miriam from Anthony, Lord Grey, the very next day.

  He grinned as I knocked on his door and was ushered into his study. “Miriam?”

  “Miriam,” I said firmly. “I just have to have her, Anthony. She is totally wasted as your wife’s maid!”

  “Of course she is, and in any case, Penelope has her eye on another girl so you can have her from today if you like.” He raised one eyebrow at me. “She won’t be cheap, you realise?”

  “I don’t care,” I said, but then my usual financial prudence came to the fore. “How much?” I asked and he laughed.

  “Oh not more than you can afford. How about ten thousand pounds?”

  “Is that the going rate?” I asked.

  “A little more. Around eight thousand is average I suppose but I’m sure you’ll agree, she is worth every penny of it?”

  “Yes I do. Alright, I’ll arrange a transfer today.”

  That first night, she kept me on the brink of an incredible pleasure for what seemed like hours, just by sitting on top of me, but then she suddenly removed herself from my body and laid down beside me, drawing her knees up to her chest and then spreading them wide open.

  “You are now going to learn the delights of my bottom, Master,” she said softly in that tinkling voice of hers.

  I frowned. Anal intercourse had never interested me, possibly because I associated it with homosexual love and our Anglo-Saxon societal morés were very definitely against such practices, at least publicly.

  She giggled. “Come on, Master, you will find it not at all distasteful once you try it...?”

  I sighed. Oh well, she had been right about everything else, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to just try it. How foolish I had been all my adult life! Try it? I found it quite incredible!
The anus is a much tighter orifice than the vaginal opening and this meant that the friction on the still so alive nerve endings of my penis was that much more intense.

  I began to hump but even here she had lessons for me. She showed me, for example, that the motion I was using was both wasteful of energy and inefficient in its purpose: to create pleasure in my cock.

  Her lessons were subtle and not in any sense patronising. She was and is the arch-exponent of sexual skills but she behaved with perfect courtesy towards me as her Master, so-called. I had a sudden wonder at her background. I knew nothing about her at that stage, remember.

  I didn’t know about her mother so I didn’t ask her of it. What I did ask was how she had come to be a slave and arrive on the island.

  “I have always wanted to be a slave, Master,” she said, while wiggling her bottom up at me as I continued to make love to it. “Ever since I was a young girl, and first learned of sexual awareness, which I did when I was about ten. I loved my mother dearly although I never knew my father. Mother listened to my girlish ramblings about slavegirls and while she didn’t encourage them, she knew deep down that they were genuine for they had come from her...”

  It was then she told me about her mother’s former life as a temple priestess and how she had acquired this incredible knowledge. Her mother apparently watched her carefully, taught her the basics and then the finer points of sex, and talked to her interminably about slavery and what it involved.

  In the end, when she was seventeen, her mother brought her to a man she trusted. He was a major chief (or perhaps more properly a minor king) in their tribal area and he agreed to take in the girl as one of his slaves and have her trained for his harem by his chief eunuch.

  Anthony, who travelled to all manner of far out and interesting parts of the world in search of the esoteric when it came to sex and slavery, visited the chief and when invited to view his harem, was struck with Miriam’s beauty. He asked if it would be permitted that he make an offer on her body and after questioning both the peer and the girl, the former as to his bona fides, and the girl as to her willingness to come to this island, agreed to the sale.